Saturday, October 4, 2014

Caught Red Appled

I've realized I've fallen quite behind on a fairly new blog.  I had a rough time, and I'm back.  I was looking for specific topics to all my blogs before posting them, and I have come to the conclusion that I need to just write.  Just get started.  It will come to me.  And its true!  As I sat down to write the best little story came to me!  And maybe its not for everyone, but its for me.  And its for my kids.  These are the kind of memories I want to leave behind.  The ones that draw out their unique personalities, and make me smile each time I read them.

Today it was apples.

My husband and I were talking in the kitchen when he happened to catch sight of our recently purchased apples in the corner of his eye. 

"Looks like someone has been munching..."

"That's not possible," I replied. "I haven't even opened the netting yet!"

Sure enough, as he held the apples up in my view there were several, white, bite marks pierced through the skin of one of the outer apples.  Not yellowed, or browning.  White.  Freshly done.

This being said.  My husband and I had seen both our children run in and out of the kitchen during our conversation.  But we never saw either of them come close enough to the table to have taken bites. And yet, here they were.  Nice little teeth marks through the netting.  THROUGH THE NETTING.

We assumed from the size of the bites that it had to be Finn.  More and more bite marks appeared in our apples, but we just couldn't catch him!  It was as if he was waiting for us to leave the kitchen so he could run in and quickly get another savory bite.  We wanted to see how he was accomplishing taking CHUNKS out of apples that were COMPLETELY IN A NET!  But our 1 year old was a ninja.

Hours passed. 

Luke went to work.

I intentionally left the apples sitting on the table, but anytime one of the boys wanted an apple (and they did constantly!  This must have been a really good batch!) they ASKED for it.  Didn't matter where in the house I was. 

The bite marks ceased for a bit, and than finally... I caught the apple biter.

And doesn't he look proud of himself!

Truth is, my kids do funny things all the time.  I take the pictures.  I write down thoughts that I want to elaborate on later, and I start to write.  And then I think its not good enough.  I delete it.  I sigh.  and I go to bed.

But at this point, who am I writing for anyways?  I'm writing for me.  I'm writing for whoever wants to listen.  And I'm writing for my children.  To preserve precious memories for them. 

They are everything to me. 

And they are enough.

Can you tell they had also been dropped a few times?

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