Wednesday, April 16, 2014

To My 18 Month Finnley...

Wow! 18 months already?  

You changed our life with your first breath... And yet, it has felt like you were always there.  You just fit in our lives so perfectly.  Like a puzzle piece that had been dropped under the table.  A piece to our lives that was always supposed to be there.  You just fit.  It's so difficult to think of a time when you didn't exist...

I'm not sure where the time has hidden, but It's definitely flown by. So many of your "firsts" have come and left, and you are turning into a tiny version of the man you will one day become.  Your personality is starting to blossom.  You know what you want, and when you want it.  You have your own opinions.  Your own favorites.  You just are all your own.

Let's celebrate this milestone with a look at the past...


What a wonderful toddler you have become.  You continue to amaze me every day.

Here's to your first year and a half...

....and the many, many more to come.

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